DvZ Challenge Statistics

DvZ leaderboard stats

Think the game is easy? Then take on an extra challenge and compete with others in the new challenge stats!

How to take part

  1. Before you start the game, open the join menu and look for the challenge menu (end crystal).
  2. Select a challenge, you can only select one per game.
  3. Start the game as usual, select a class or starting item.

No legendary items

Get the most kills in a single game while playing without legendary items!
Pos Player Kills Best streak
#1booozery booozery188x7
#230Spence 30Spence129x4
#3BoxerRebellion BoxerRebellion124x8
#4InJailNeedBail InJailNeedBail118x6
#5Lithmerus Lithmerus87x3
#6NobleHenryAlbert NobleHenryAlbert80x3
#7_SketchCekcu_ _SketchCekcu_64x3
#8markmyson markmyson61x5
#9CrashDy CrashDy57x3
#10wyattaz wyattaz46x4

No Repair

Get the most kills in a single game before your armour breaks!
Pos Player Kills Best streak
#1Eroil Eroil119x6
#2Kwas_ Kwas_105x7
#3InJailNeedBail InJailNeedBail103x10
#4BoxerRebellion BoxerRebellion88x5
#5CrashDy CrashDy80x4
#6FredKroket FredKroket77x14
#7peoy peoy75x8
#830Spence 30Spence73x5
#9wyattaz wyattaz70x4
#10Lithmerus Lithmerus67x4


Get the most kills in a single game using unconventional food!
Pos Player Kills Best streak
#1BoxerRebellion BoxerRebellion255x13
#2peoy peoy167x7
#3Eroil Eroil132x7
#4Robert_Moran Robert_Moran119x8
#5_SketchCekcu_ _SketchCekcu_98x7
#6DanielSwanson DanielSwanson96x4
#730Spence 30Spence95x3
#8rainb0w_k1tty rainb0w_k1tty88x8
#9InJailNeedBail InJailNeedBail83x4
#10FredKroket FredKroket79x4

Statistics update at the end of each game and pages are cached for 3 minutes.